Tim Wendelboe Podcast

Coffee in Ethiopia – A conversation with Mats Fredheim Vidby (#37)

In this episode, I’m joined by Mats Fredheim Vidby, our roastery team leader and one of our dedicated coffee roasters, who has been with us since 2021. Our conversation this time takes a deep dive into Ethiopian coffee, focusing on how we select and buy coffees from the birthplace of coffee. We will be discussing

Coffee in Ethiopia – A conversation with Mats Fredheim Vidby (#37) Read More »

Tim Wendelboe Podcast

Future Plans and a Year in Review at Los Pirineos with Diego Baraona (#36)

In this episode, I am back at Diego Baraona’s farm, Los Pirineos, in El Salvador, one year after our last recording. Since then, significant developments have unfolded both on the farm and in Diego’s future plans. Having closely collaborated with Diego for nearly four years, and previously with his father, Gilberto Baraona, I’ve witnessed Diego’s

Future Plans and a Year in Review at Los Pirineos with Diego Baraona (#36) Read More »

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