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‘Ask Me Anything’ Live on Coffee Brewing

‘Ask Me Anything’ Live on Coffee Brewing from Tim Wendelboe on Vimeo.

For the first time ever, we went live on Facebook for an ‘Ask Me Anything’ about brewing, June 1st at 11 am (CEST). I answered questions from all over, Isfahan to Berlin to Los Angeles to Taipei for over thirty minutes. This video is the first in what will be a series. We will go ‘Live’ again on June 15th. So please login and write in questions you would like answered. Since we work with people all around the world, we are interested in connecting in real time with folks who don’t get a chance to come in and ask us questions at our espresso bar in Oslo. We’re excited to use the tools available to us to do this, like Facebook Live. Looking forward to hearing more of your questions.

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