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We are looking a new co-worker

We have a position open as Wholesale manager / office worker.

Our wholesale manager will be on maternity leave for 9 months, and we need someone to fill her position while she is away.

We are also launching our new website soon, and need help to keep it updated and relevant.

The position is full time and involves working in the office, processing orders from our wholesale clients and webshop. You also need to be able to visit customers and do simple trainings and follow-ups.




We are looking for a persons that has worked in a coffee shop before or has extensive training from the restaurant world.

You need to be interested in coffee, drink coffee and most of all understand what service is all about. You need to be able to speak and write either English or Norwegian as communication with our customers is very important to us.

If you are interested in working with us, then please send us an e-mail with an appliccation and a CV.

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