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TW – series about coffee

After a month of filming in November last year, and a whole lot of editing, we are proud and excited to announce that all episodes of the new coffee TV series with yours truly was launched online on the 28th of February. (One of the most important newspapers in Norway) have funded the production of a 12 episode Web-TV series about coffee. In the series I will show you what equipment you need to make great coffee, give you tips about what beans to buy and how to brew tasty coffee at home. I will show you how to make a pour over coffee, espresso and even a tasty Irish coffee (Yes, it is possible!)

We also managed to get enough funds in order to go to Colombia and film 4 episodes about how coffee is grown and processed. You will be able to see some unique footage from Finca Tamana and follow the coffee all the way back to Norway.

Our intention with making the series is to try to make your everyday coffee taste a little bit better and help aspiring home-baristas and the man in the street to understand what makes a great cup of coffee.

I really hope you like the series and that you spread it to all your coffee loving friends. Enjoy!

To follow the series on twitter use #apkaffe or follow me on @timwendelboe , instagram



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