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Tim Wendelboe Coffee at Tøyen Startup Village

Good news for our entrepreneurial coffee-lovers: Tøyen Startup Village (or TSV for short) has just started serving our filter coffees at their co-working space / cafe. They’re located at Hagegata 23, 0653 Oslo, in Tøyen Torg (metro station), close to the Botanical Gardens.

Located on the ground floor at Tøyen Torg you can find the newly opened Tøyen Startup Village Workbar – a café, public work space and reception for the TSV. (The TSV is an initiative to develop innovation and entrepreneurial endeavours in Tøyen & Oslo.)

This is a nicely designed, clean new space at Tøyen Torg put together by our friends and long time partners at Fuglen and Vingen Bar. It’s managed by Rune Kvernmo who has years of experience at some of the best coffee shops in Oslo, Trondheim and Dublin. He’s focused on quality coffee, done simply and well, and will offer a rotating menu of coffee’s from different roasters in Oslo. We’re glad to work with them and to be able to finally offer Tøyen locals a cup of TW… (Tim is a Tøyen local).

For more info, visit the official Tøyen Startup Village website.

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