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Thank you!

IMG_3582 The entire TW-crew would like to thank all our customers and guests that contributed on our 7th anniversary. We managed to raise USD 4000,- and we will be donating an extra USD 1000,- in order to reach our goal of donating USD 5000,- to Kapsokisio Farmers Cooperative Society in west-Kenya. We had some record breaking donations this year. Some of our beloved customers paid over 500kr (USD 80,-) for a coffee and a new record was set at the end of the day where one of our guest paid kr 1024,- (USD 165,-) for an espresso. That is very generous and we and the farmers at Kapsokiso FCS thank you all. The farmers of this cooperative produce some divine coffees and with the help from our customers we are now able to help them construct more drying tables so that the quality of this coffee can be improved with better processing and drying. This will really help the farmers get better prices for their coffee in the future and you will be able to get better tasting coffee. Thank you all once again for helping out! Ps. We will start selling the fresh crop coffee from Kapsokisio next week.

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