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Oslo TV

I morgen (Onsdag 31. oktober) blir det innslag fra Tim Wendelboe på Oslo TV på TVNorge.
Sendingen starter klokken 17.30, 18.30 og 23.30, med andre ord den går i reprise 2 ganger så det er ingen grunn til at du ikke skal sitte klistret foran skjermen under sendingen for å få med deg litt info om kaffe, Clover og annet kaffesnakk.
Desverre er sendingen lokal, så du bør befinne deg i Oslo området for å se sendingen.

Tomorrow there is a feature on a local TV station about Tim Wendelboe (the place).
Unfortunately you have to be in Oslo to see the program as it is only broadcasted in Oslo and the area around our small city.

By the way. If you wonder how our black week went, I am happy to announce that it has been our best week so far. most people were very responsive to tasting various coffees , so I think we will do it again when we introduce next years crops.

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