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La Marzocco Residency, Seattle

From Tues, 21st March – Mon, 1st May, we will be the guest “resident” at La Marzocco’s café & showroom, located at the KEXP radio headquarters in Seattle. Think of it like an extended pop-up whereby for 6 whole weeks, you get to experience what it’s like to be at our flagship espresso bar here in Oslo. As close as you can get anyway.

Guests to the La Marzocco Cafe during Tim Wendelboe’s residence can expect a menu that focuses on tasting the individual characteristics of our coffees via espresso, cold coffee and aeropress. Other than the option to add steamed milk, there are purposefully no flavors or additions to our coffee drinks.

With the Specialty Coffee Association’s Global Expo happening in Seattle Center in April, this will truly be a month dedicated to coffee enthusiasts. We’re very excited to share our coffees with the La Marzocco Cafe community as well as the broader Seattle enthusiasts and those nearby.

We hope each one of you will come with an open mind, ready to experience and appreciate the story behind each cup of coffee and how different each one can taste.

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