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Her er et intervju som ble gjort for Barista Guild of Taiwan over e-mail i hui og hast. Jeg trodde sannelig de skulle redigere det før det ble publisert, men de syntes det var så bra at de publiserte rubbel og bit. Jammen godt jeg ikke sleivet alt for mye, men jeg hadde nok svart det samme om jeg hadde brukt mer tid på det også.

Interview part 1

Interview part 2

The links are to an interview done over e-mail for the Barista Guild of Taiwan. I was actually a bit brief when I answered their questions as I had very little time to answer at that point. I also thought they would edit it before it was published, but they didn’t. I guess the answers would have been more or less the same if I had more time to answer them anyway.

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