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Guatemala Cup of Excellence

We are proud to announce that we just bought the no. 11 lot at the 2009 Guatemala Cup of Excellence.

The coffee is grown on the farm San Antonio De Esquipulas y Anexos and is a mix of Bourbón, Catuaí and Caturra.

Here is a taste description:

Aroma: Hints of almonds and chocolate.
Acidity: Tropical and stone fruit-like acidity. Lively and refreshing.
Mouthfeel: A clean cup with a fat texture without being heavy. Intense sweetness and a really nice balance.
Flavour: Intense chocolate flavour. Hints of rasberries and peach. Sweet finish.

The coffee was bought for USD 7.45 per lb. (453g) of green unpacked coffee ex. transportation cost. This is about USD 6.19 above fair trade price. The farmer gets 80% of the money, the remaining 20% goes to managing the Cup of Excellence system.

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