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Tim Wendelboe is coming to China

Tim will be visiting China for the first time next week, along with our partners at Nordic Approach. They will be hosting cupping and info sessions in Shanghai and Guangzhou from 9th-11th August. If you would like to join, please get in touch with the relevant venues below:

Little Bean, Shanghai – 9th Aug

MQ Coffee, Shanghai – 10th Aug

APF Coffee, Guangzhou – 11th Aug

More excitingly, as part of this trip Tim will be soft launching and planning the logistics for our breakthrough into China. This has been a long time coming but we’ve finally found a reliable and experienced partner who can help us execute the operational side of things just the way we want it. ‘Eastern Airlines Link Coffee Trading Co.’ as of now is the official distributor of Tim Wendelboe coffee in mainland China. We are very excited to have just sent them their first shipment of coffee and very much look forward to promoting this new partnership and opportunity over the upcoming months ahead. Stay tuned.

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