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Taste evening

Kaffefest is coming up. Kaffefest is a long weekend of coffee related seminars, cuppings and the finals of the Norwegian Barista Championships. As part of the festivities we are hosting a cupping of Central and South American coffees (except Brasil) from different roasteries from around the globe. The theme is very broad, we know, but it will be a good chance for enthusiasts to sample some of the styles of roasting and what coffees people are buying and are excited about.  The format is quite casual in order to create a comfortable environment where everyone is welcome to discuss the coffees.

The tasting takes place at our store in Grünersgate 1 on Thursday the 19th of February at 18.00h.

We have 2 open spots for our blog readers, so if you are interested in attending the taste evening, then leave a comment on this post. The 2 first to comment will get their ticket to the taste evening.

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