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Soy milk

We have once again tasted soy milk in our coffees and have come to the conclusion to stop offering soy milk in our drinks.

The main reason for this is that we really don’t like the flavour of it. It is very difficult to get a nice coffee flavour in soy milk and the better ones are too sweet and grainy on the palate.

Another very good reason to stop offering soy milk is that a lot of soy milk comes from genetically modified (GMO) soy beans. We are fully against GMO as it can cause biological damage not only to soy beans but also to other plants as cross pollination is impossible to control.  To understand more about how GMO works, just watch the documentary films ” The Future of food” and “Food INC”.
A healthy alternative to soy based drinks is black coffee. We prepare all our coffees to order on an Aeropress in our bar. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty.
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