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Nordic barista Cup Lectures

For those of you who missed out on the fantastic Nordic Barista Cup in Compenhagen this year, you can see all the lectures here. The name of the event is a bit misleading. Although there is a team barista competition between the 5 nordic countries, most people attend for the many  informative lectures and the social interaction.

I did a lecture on improving coffee quality at farm level. It touches on improving the shelf life of green coffee by improving the drying of the coffee. I also talk a lot about my 4 days at Finca Tamana in Colombia where I changed the farm practices completely in 4 days in order to improve the quality of the coffee there.

You can see my lecture below.

You can also see the video I made from Finca Tamana underneeth.

Improving quality in 4 days at Finca Tamana from Tim Wendelboe on Vimeo.

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