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New TW espresso

We are now sold out of the Los Pirineos coffee from El Salvador.

Therefore we have updated the TW espresso and it is now based on 2 lovely coffees procuced by the Caballero family.

The new espresso consists of:

58% Pantanal 42% Francisca

These coffees are produced by Marysabel Caballero and Moises Herrera and comes from two different farms that they own. More information about their growing practices can be found under the Caballero coffee. 

Producer: Marysabel Caballero & Moises Herrera
Harvest: March 2012
Origin: Chinacla, La Paz, Honduras.
Growing conditions: 1400 – 1500 m.a.s. Under mixed natural shade trees.
Botanical variety: Catuaì

Flavour description:
Aroma and flavours of grapes and cherries.
Winey acidity. Creamy and juicy mouthfeel.
Sweet finish with notes of cocoa.

We strongly recommend to use VST filterbaskets. Both the 18g basket and the 22g basket is great for our coffee.
The VST filters makes it a lot easier to extract the espresso properly which gives a lot more sweetness in the cup. They are also more or less identical to eachother which makes it easy to be more consistent when brewing on several groups at the same time.
You can buy the filters here. Just make sure they fit your machine. (Fits all La Marzocco machines and machines with 58mm filter baskets)

With the VST 18 gram filterbasket, we recommend the following brewing parameters:

  • 18 – 19 grams freshly ground coffee
  • 25 – 30 seconds brewing time
  • 27 – 30 grams of final brew liquid in the cup
  • 93°C – 94°C brew water temperature


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