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New espresso blend and new coffee from Brazil

The Tim Wendelboe espresso, spring 2009 – blend,  consists of 3 newly arrived coffees: 50% Fazenda Barreiro, Brazil. Natural processed. 25% Sao Judas Tadeu, Brazil. Pulped natural. 25% Amor de Dios, Bolivia. Wet processed. The blend tastes totally different from our last 3 blends that have been very fruity and acidic. This time we have taken a complete different direction towards chocolaty and caramelly flavours. You should really try it with milk as well. Especially if you like chocolate milk. For more info and taste description, please visit our TW-espresso page filed under the resources menu button. Along with the new espresso blend, we will also start roasting the newly arrived coffee from Brazil on Tuesday the the 14th of April. To read more about the coffee from Fazenda São Judas Tadeu, click here.

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