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New Brew Bar

Due to limited capacity during weekends we have decided to open up our cupping room during Saturdays and Sundays for brewing black coffee to our guests. This way we are able to serve those of you who only want a black coffee while visiting our store. We know how frustrating it is to stand in line sometimes and hopefully our cupping room brew bar will help things move a bit quicker.

The brew bar will only be open during weekends and we will be serving our full Aeropress menu. In addition you will be able to pay for whole bean coffee, books, etc. Of course we invite you also to come and hang out to ask us questions. The Cupping room was made to teach our customers about coffee, and most likely the person working there will have time to answer and help you become a better home barista.

If you want your cappuccino and latte, you still need to order them in our espresso bar, but hopefully the line will not be as long as before.

The Brew bar will be open for the first time on Saturday the  3rd and Sunday the 4th of December from around 12 o’clock. We will be serving some new lots from both the Caballero family and a new Bourbon from Nacimiento.

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