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New arrivals: Las Mingas

We are happy to tell you that some delicious coffee recently arrived from Colombia. This time it is not the Finca La Lomita coffee, but 4 very small micro lots from a project called Las Mingas. Las Mingas means something like “For the good of all” and describes an act where farmers will work together towards a common goal. In this case a goal towards better coffee. An exporting company called Virmax, who started the Las Mingas project,  are actively training the farmers and sourcing the best coffees coming to various coffee mills around Colombia. They taste all the coffees coming in to the mills and the coffee lots scoring 84 per cent and above are separated from the rest of the coffees and samples of that coffee are sent to some 20 to 30 roasteries around the world for evaluation. Since we are cooperating with one of the best green coffee sourcers in the world, Solberg & Hansen, we get to taste the samples and buy the ones we like. This year we bought 4 of the lots we sampled. One lot being only 11 kilos, but so good we couldn’t resist. This is actually the smallest lot we have ever bought. We will start to sell 2 of the Las mingas coffees on Friday the 13th of February. Among the 2 first will be the insanely good 11 kilo lot. More info to come….

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