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Menu for our 3 year anniversary

The menu tomorrow will be the following:


Made on the strada:

The new TW espresso blend
Cielito Lindo espresso
Cappuccino with TW blend

    Tim V using Strada

Iced coffees:

The TW Cappuccino al freddo with the TW blend
The TW Re-Constructed Shakerato with Cielito Lindo espresso
Iced Tekangu
Iced Santa Ana

We will be serving the following black coffee in our cupping room brewed on Aeropress and Hario V60:

Santa Ana
Hacienda Esmeralda
Cielito Lindo

All drinks are a minimum 1 kr and the maximum is whatever you want to pay.

All the money we get in on all sales on the 31st of July goes to our drying table project in Kenya where we will fund the building of new drying tables at the Karogoto Factory at the Tekangu coop.

African raised drying table

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