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Honduras Cup of Excellence

I am very happy to announce that we just bought the 4th place in the 2008 Honduras Cup of Excellence.

This is by far the best coffee I have tasted in all the Cup of Excellence auctions this year, and I am very proud to have payed 14$ per pound for the coffee (about 30 US$ per kilo) especially when about 80% of that money goes back to the farmer. (Fair trade price is about 1,30 US$ per pound)

I think this coffee really displays the very best Honduras has to offer and I remember it is very similar to the best coffees I tasted when I was in Honduras as a jurymember of the 2005 Cup of Excellence.

You can se all the results from the auction here.

I can’t wait to get it to Norway so our customers can taste this fantastic coffee!

Time for a glass of champagne…
Yours truly

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