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I’m hijacking the Tim Wendelboe news column to say farewell and thanks to everyone who have made my time here so deeply rewarding, inspiring and enlightening. I’ve been completely immersed in the world of Tim Wendelboe since the beginning some 6 years ago. When hearing the opening of the Bar Manager position at Tim Wendelboe, i jumped on a plane from London to meet with Tim over coffee. We talked my experience and what i felt at the time was more important : my feelings on Burt Bacharach. Something clicked.

Tim Wendelboe : Day 1
 My time at Tim Wendelboe has be filled with incredibly memorable moments and equally incredible people. The original team of Ola, Chris, Ingrid and Tim really shaped what Tim Wendelboe was to become and was key in fostering my Oslo experience. From there I’ve had the pleasure of working with some pretty excellent people : Hanne, Stine, Thomas, Chris, Amanda, Erik, Kjetil, Måns, Arnaud, Talor, Beate, Anders and my 2 gemstones Steph & Ida. You will all be missed. Thanks for putting up with me.
Winning the Nordic Roaster Competition for the 2nd or 3rd time - I forget. I've lost count.
Winning the Nordic Roaster Competition for the 2nd or 3rd time – I forget. I’ve lost count.
 Gratitude and love to the stupidly talented and inspiring workhorse that is Tim Wendelboe. Occasionally misinterpreted, ever focused and constantly pushing and leading the world of executing bloody tasty coffee. It’s been an absolute pleasure mate – you’d better believe it.
World Barista Championship, Copenhagen 2008
World Barista Championship, Copenhagen 2008
So, you’ve got one last week of me Oslo. Come and say goodbye or good riddance. After that, you’ll find me briefly in Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsingborg and London, then to Tokyo for some months and then finally back to Melbourne at some stage…
NB. We’re hiring. You’d be mad not to take up the opportunity to work at Tim Wendelboe.


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