We will be celebrating our 6 year anniversary on Saturday the 20th of July.
Like previous years we will be making our coffee ice cream as well as serving our normal summer drinks.
All coffee drinks will have a minimum price of Kr. 5,- but there is no limit to what you can pay, so if you feel like paying 1000,- for a coffee (which is our current record) you are more than welcome to do so. You are of course allowed to indulge yourself with coffee as well.
We will be giving all the money from our anniversary sales to a very promising cooperative in west-Kenya, Kapsokisio, which unfortunately this year were not able to produce enough of their best quality coffee for us to buy because of a lack of drying tables. We would therefore like to repeat the success we had with Tekangu some years ago and donate some new steel drying tables in order to help the cooperative progress a bit faster with their quality program.
So please come by and help us celebrate our 6 year anniversary