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5 Year Anniversary

Our 5 Year anniversary is coming up.

We will be celebrating on Saturday the 23rd of June.

The bar will be full of staff serving some of our classic drinks as well as some new iced coffees from 11am to 5pm.

The minimum price for a drink will be 1,- kr but you can pay as much as you like. Last time we did this we had customers paying 1000,- kr for a coffee. The idea is that you can have as many coffees as you wish for a price you feel like paying.

All the money we collect on Saturday will go to finance new drying tables at Finca Tamana and also to help Elias finance the changes we are trying to implement on his farm.

So bring your friends, bring loads of cash and come join us celebrating our 5 year anniversary!

Constructing new drying tables at Finca Tamana

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