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3 year anniversary

On saturday the 31st of July we will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary. (although it really was on the 30th of june)

WBC moon walk

Opening hours will be as normal from 11am to 5pm.

The plan is:
All drinks are a minimum 1 kr and the maximum is whatever you want to pay.
All the money we get in on all sales on the 31st of July goes to our drying table project in Kenya where we will fund the building of new drying tables at the Karogoto Factory at the Tekangu coop.

Damaged wooden drying table

This is becaue they are having trouble with drying capacity due to old rotten wooden drying tables. Therefore we could see a big improvement in quality just by helping them build new drying tables.
Our goal is to get USD 5000. That will build 5 drying tables that are about 30square m. each.
50 % of the money from all the Kenyan coffee we sell in our store from the 1st to the 7th of August will go to the same drying table project.
We will be serving shots from the prototype La Marzocco Strada EP (We are the first in the world to test this machine, so hopefully we will have figured out some nice recipes).


We will keep you posted on Saturdays menu.
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