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2008 Colombia Cup of Excellence Winner

The winner of the 2008 Colombia Cup of Excellence is Mr. Eduardo Valencia, Finca Villa Loyola in Narino.

This was by far my favourite coffee during the competition and I scored it twice at 97 points out of 100.

A spectacular coffee that is remniscent of red wine. The intensity of the flavours and acidity is amazing. My notes for this coffee were as follows:
Aromas: Vanilla, Floral, Fruity and buttery.
Acidity: Intense, crisp and red wine like (Burgundy). Very mature and lively.
Mouthfeel: Sweet, velvety and refreshing. Very transparent and clean. Spicy finish.
Flavour: Red currants, rose hips, black currants (when cool) Coffee blossom, hibiscus and grape juice. Some lingering cinnamon and sweet fruit in the finish.

A very well balanced and intense coffee. Just the way I like it!

I have to say that meeting the farmers and talking to them has by far been the most greatful moments of this trip. It is very moving to see how much this means to them and a great experience that every person involved in coffee should be able to experience.
I was lucky to get a picture with the person representing the winning farmer right after the award ceremony. He was of course very happy and busy talking with the Colombian press.

Now we will celebrate with a dinner with the farmers.

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