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Transparency report from 2014

Transparency report 2014
We finally have all the numbers for our transparency report for 2014. See below for the detailed overview over all the prices we paid for the coffees we bought in 2014.
The prices are per pound (lb=453g) og green coffee Free on Board (FOB), which means the price for the coffee packed and stacked in a container delivered to the ship. Our average price was slightly higher in 2014 than in 2013. This is mainly due to lower prices in Ethiopia and the high prices of the Esmeralda coffees. We are working on solutions to how we can better track and pay better prices in Ethiopia at the moment and we are also looking at the costs of the production with most of the farmers we work with in order to better understand and negotiate better prices for their coffees. We have added a lot of extra steps in the production of the coffees we buy for the last 2 years and in order to secure that the farmers are still getting the margins they deserve, we have to look at the costs and make sure we are paying a fair price to the farmers.  Because of this we are expecting to pay slightly higher prices in 2015. We wrote a post some years ago about how we purchase coffees and why prices are different from place to place. I still feel it is relevant and therefore recommend you to read it to better understand how we trade coffees. We also wrote a post last year where we explained the breakdown of the price showing who get’s what after we pay for the coffee.
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